
Showing posts from June, 2021

Weather forecast service

Weatherbox is a console-oriented weather forecast service that supports various information representation methods like terminal-oriented ANSI-sequences for console HTTP clients (curl, httpie, or wget), HTML for web browsers, or PNG for graphical viewers. uses wego for visualization and various data sources for weather forecast information. You can see it running here:   Usage   You can access the service from a shell, maXbox or from a Web browser like this: loadWebform; //           WebBrowser1.Navigate('file://c:/maxbox/lazarus/rssweather.htm');           WebBrowser1.Navigate(''); Checking the weather is usually a quick thing, but there can be a bit of satisfaction, by doing it with a click of a button. This as well only requires a single dependency. Once installed just create a file to run with the script below. After that, you are ready...


  Hacking your Märklin This library allows you to control your digital Märklin railway using Arduino. I want to show especially the output of the C++ compiled library include <Railuino.h> Any ISP will need what Arduino calls output binaries and the rest of the world calls HEX files. These are produced when you Verify/Compile your sketch and contain the data the AVR microcontroller needs to run and in my case “C:\Users\max\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_130743”. The Arduino IDE creates them in temporary folders in your user libraries. If everything has gone right, your folder should be full of output files, mostly with .o and .d extensions. These are used by linker and can be ignored. Where to find Arduino Hex files or Output Binaries The important files will be these, where the sketch is called CV.ino, so look for your own sketch name – so I show the top 6 files in the right sequence with expl...


In a future world you can decide belonging to SkyNet or Darknet, but you can not find the difference between an Android or Avatar cause humans doesn't exist anymore. Python for Delphi (P4D) is a set of free components that wrap up the Python DLL into Delphi and Lazarus (FPC). A DLL could be for example the 'python37.dll'. They let you almost easily execute Python scripts, create new Python modules and new Python types. You can create Python extensions as DLLs and much more like scripting or automating your console. P4D provides different levels of functionality: Low-level access to the Python API High-level bi-directional interaction with Python Access to Python objects using Delphi custom variants (VarPyth.pas) Wrapping of Delphi objects for use in Python scripts using RTTI (WrapDelphi.pas) Creating Python extension modules with Delphi classes, records and functions Generate Scripts in maXbox from a Python engine.   P4D makes it, after ...